Our Story

For as long as I can remember I have loved creating. I have had a million different hobbies over the years (hello Gemini) but nothing ever stuck. One day while walking I couldn’t stop thinking of wildflowers but couldn’t figure out why. Then I started having dreams of me unpacking in a warehouse. One day while listening to a podcast, again while walking, I started thinking about pouring candles. Soon after I started researching candle making, testing scents, waxes, wax dyes and vessels. When it came time to pick a name, again wildflowers came to mind and even when I tried out other names, wildflowers were something that I knew in my soul needed to be part of the business. That’s when it clicked and Wildflower Soul was born.

It wasn’t easy moving from concept and testing to the reality of starting a business. However, 2021 would provide me the time needed to kick the business into high gear. In February of 2021, my husband was diagnosed with leukemia. We went from a crazy busy life with 3 very active kids, to the pandemic lockdown in 2020, to my husbands diagnosis in 2021. Suddenly, we were all at home 24/7 trying to manage through some very difficult times. Rather than focus on the things I couldn’t control, I leaned in to the opportunity to get chipping away at something I had really wanted to build but never believed I could. I spent over a year refining the processes, revising my strategy, and developing something I couldn’t be more excited to bring to the world. It took so much research and testing to stay true to what I wanted to create, a clean burning candle, that smells great, looks great, and is free from all the toxins and chemicals many traditional candles carry. I couldn’t be more excited to bring to you the initial line up of six mainline candles, all clean burning and inspired by nature. I hope your candle brings you as much joy as I have creating it for you!

I am not unpacking in a warehouse yet... but the dream hasn't faded and I am still working toward bringing that dream to reality!

Thank you for your support!

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